
Color! from NY art shows

Just a quick post with some eye candy photos and links to more at flickr. We’ll do more deconstructing of what we saw at Pulse, Scope, Red Dot and the Armory in another post. Here’s my flickr Armory set, Scope set, Red Dot and Pulse.

See Libby’s set here.

Folkert de Jong

Folkert de Jong’s
The Death March: Drummer, Piper, Dancer. James Cohan Gallery, NY, at the Armory show. One of the most colorful installations. Weirdly anti-war with the figures sporting the heads of Abe Lincoln and what looks like Ben Franklin.

Alex Baker, green shirt + pink painting

Alex Baker, PAFA curator, and pink painting at the Armory show. One of our great pleasures was running into Philly folk all day long. We saw Alex, Kevin Reay (ex-Phillyite), Jose Roca and his 13-year old twin daughters (Roca’s soon to be a Philadelphian–he’s the new head of Philagrafika), Marsha Moss, Amy Lipton, Frank Bramblett, Tyler students Dustin and Mike, Julie York and her Tyler MFA class. We spotted Judith Tannenbaum, former Curator and one-time head of Philly’s ICA (now RISD Museum head). But we didn’t get to talk with her. All the schmoozing kept us happy when we were beaten down by the acreage of art booths to cover.

Julian Hoeber

Julian Hoeber‘s California by comix sunset drawing. Blum and Poe at the Armory show. Hoeber’s wall of small drawings like this one sold out, we were told. While we were there several viewers inquired about them.

Hank Willis Thomas

Three-legged Michael Jordan (or some other sports hero) by Hank Willis Thomas at Socrates Sculpture Park at the Armory. Sports was a continuing undercurrent throughout the fairs. Always a good metaphorical stand-in for the world at large.

Kota Ezawa

Kota Ezawa, Cut paper. reminds me very much of Jeff Wall’s photo light box, Dead Troops Talk, 1992. Murray Guy Gallery, NY
