
From the Vault – Look! It’s Libby and Roberta – Episode 1

In 2007, Libby and Roberta began a series of videotaped art discussions with David S. Kessler, in Philadelphia galleries and museums. We called it “Look! It’s Libby and Roberta. We are moving these now-vintage videos to YouTube to share them with you in a format everyone can access. –the artblog editors

In this, the first installment of Look!, Libby and Roberta take us to the Pentimenti Gallery to see Nancy Blum’s recent botanical drawings and ceramic sculptures and Darlene Charneco’s resin maps. Then, onto the Painted Bride where Amy Kauffman has her first solo show, filling the space with handmade multiples including hundred of small boats made out of candy wrappers. VIDEO BY THE AWESOME DAVID KESSLER!!!
