
Midweek News on Artblog Radio, with Opportunities and Ear Cleaning Tales!

Ryan and Roberta discuss the Midweek News on Artblog Radio, with short, quippy commentary and highlights of upcoming events and exhibitions we're excited about. Give a listen and come back for more! Useful news, news you need!

A poster image shows shelves with books taped to them with blue painter's tape and a stool at the bottom with books stacked and a black tote bag with the message, in white: Artists Work For The Future
A poster for Ulises at Ray on North American Street

Roberta: Hi, welcome to Artblog radio! It’s Roberta.

Ryan: And this is Ryan and this is the Midweek News.

Roberta: And in the news this week we have several things I want to point out to you and also a couple of opportunities. Really good opportunities. First. Is the artist, second annual artist convening at the Arts League, and that’s May 31st, June 1st, and June 2nd.

This is a really good way to network with other artists and find out information. The theme this year is making and teaching in the now something that we all are doing, teaching and making in the now. So, there are links to this. There will be links to this in the news post, but the Arts League is a really happening place these days, and this is where you ought to go for your convening.

Next, we wanna tell you about Ulysses and Ray projects. Ray Projects is a multi-valent space on North Americans. Street. They have live spaces and workspaces and art spaces, and Ulysses has one of the art spaces in the first floor, and they are doing projects in what’s called Studio 1 0 5, in conjunction with Ray Philly.

And their first project opens this season on May 3rd with a project by Camila Jain Rashid. Later they are doing projects with Candace Lynn and Ken Lum. We’ve always loved we. Ulysses, which is a bookstore and bookshop and has done programming in the past, and they have a very exciting new opportunity here to work with Ray.

So we’re, we’re very happy for them.

Ryan: Yeah. The area has changed a lot in the last few years.

Roberta: Exactly.

Ryan: Clay Studios over there. Now. Crane Arts has got their second Thursday events and all those people.

Roberta: We’re looking at a new arts district.

Ryan: Yeah. It’s really interesting seeing what’s gonna happen and what’ll pop in next across the street from Ray.

Roberta: Yes, exactly. Exactly. Lot work over there. Yeah. Yeah. Very much. Coming up our opportunities for artists. The first one is Art Ability at Bryn Mawr Rehab with a deadline of June 30th. This is a great opportunity for physically disabled and neurodivergent people to show their art. In an international juried show, it’s a, with prizes and people buy.

So it’s a good opportunity to sell your work also. And I’ve been a juror for it several times. I know the quality of work that comes in is extremely high. It’s very wonderful show. It’s a, it’s a happy thing. So you should apply for this if you’re in that cohort. Fiber Art International has an open call.

This is a group out of Pittsburgh. They’re having an open call a year ahead. It’s for their 2025 international, and it’s all over the world. They bring people to Pittsburgh and it’s a unique opportunity. So if you’re in that community, consider applying to replying to them. Finally there’s a job opening at the Arts League.

We told you about the Arts League and their convening before, well, their executive director, Zoe Rain Evans who’s been instrumental in moving the Arts League forward is leaving for a new position. And so they are seeking an executive director. It would be a good full-time position. This west Philly institution is more than 50 years old.

They are beloved by the community and way, way back in the day I was a member of the board of the Arts League. So that’s it for the news. Ryan. I’m turning it over to you now.

Ryan: All right. So we, last week I talked about some shows I wanted to see, so I was able to get to a print Philly at s that was a great show.

I. It’s, it’s unfortunate that it’s just one day. And the hours ended in the middle of the afternoon, but it was good. I wish I had a little bit more time there. And then I was able to make it over to our friends at the store which is also kind of in, in that ray neighborhood on that American Avenue.

A lot of art in that neighborhood, just a few blocks away. That was a really fun show. We love Pop-up shows. We love underground shows. If you have an event that’s going on always send that to us. ArtblogConnect, list it yourself. It’s, it’s always available. Let us know. Shows coming up. More Colleges Senior show comes up this week.

It’s, it opens Thursday. Also Thursday, Ruth Naomi Floyd has a show at the, at Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral. That’s going to be an interesting jazz show. Pentimenti Gallery has openings this week. The Mill Studios in Manayunk is opening on the 28th, that Sunday from noon to five. Exhibiting over 30 artists of various mediums.

Take a look at that. That looks really interesting. There’s some theater coming up. I mentioned Macbeth last week. That’s closing this week. So if that’s of interest, see if you can hit that. There are a few other shows that are, that are closing soon. Flat Landers is closing soon, and then there’s some exciting things coming up that I hope to see.

Also that Old Stock that I had mentioned, Philly Grit is coming up, that looks really interesting. There’s a few other shows. If there’s any shows that you are seeing that you, that I’m not mentioning, let me know. Feel free to always reach out to me. And I would love to get a post and let other people know what’s going on.

Roberta: Yeah. And let’s remind everyone about ArtblogConnect.

Ryan: So ArtblogConnect is a free place to post all of your events, your shows, your openings. Anything that you think would be really exciting for other people in our community to be aware of. That’s our interest, that’s our goal. So reach out. You can post them yourself at

You know, reach out to me at Excellent.


Roberta: So I want to just mention something that I saw that made me think about. What is the news? I mean, we do a news post on Artblog. We knew we’re now doing a news podcast on Artblog. Well, news is of course, international, local, state, regional, whatever.

But it’s usually information and written in, in some form is where it, I guess started out. Although it’s now in social media and other things you could say, you get your news there. A lot of people do. They get their news on. Twitter now called X. I was reading the New York Times the other day online and I saw a story that made me really think, what is the news?

It was about how’s the best way to clean your ears. This was on the front page of the digital edition of The New York Times, how to “Clean My Ears”, and it made me think, ‘New York Times, you are the paper of record, right? Or are you not? You and the Washington Post have sort of claimed that, and I guess we go there for our big news about this and that, but cleaning ears!?

And then I Googled up New York Times cleaning ears, and they have a history of talking about cleaning ear wax out of your ears. You know the best way to clean your ears with a spoon. This was on the New York Times in 2021. Back in 2020 2005, the joys of ear cleaning. Now, New York Times, I want to say, have you been listening to social media so long that you really lost your way and now you’ve gotta be our doctor and our best friend forever?

What do you think, Ryan? What is going on?

Ryan: I was surprised. It wasn’t like a Q-tip ad or something like that. I expected it to be some sort of sponsored pose brought to you by some tissue manufacturer, cotton swabs, or manufacturer of some kind. It didn’t seem to be,

Roberta: no, it’s, it is a real article written by a real person.

Well, it may be AI, who knows. I mean, nowadays,

Ryan: yeah. What was the recommendation? Nothing smaller than a spoon or use a spoon to clean your ears, so,

Roberta: really? Oh my God. Yeah. So, and then they, well, here’s one. New York Times praises ear cleaning spoons, 2021. This is on Boing Boing.

Ryan: Yeah. Something you didn’t realize you needed until just now.

Roberta: Yes, exactly. An ear cleaning spoon. Well, anyway, I think that’s maybe enough talk about the news, but what do you think? Where do you get your news from? I mean, our blog is not … I make this promise to you. We are never going to have an article about how to clean your ears on Artblog news,

Ryan: but we did just talk about it, so it’s like, it’s almost the same thing.

Roberta: Well, we’re not getting into the nitty gritty. We’re not gonna get into your ear.

Ryan: No, we’re not. We’re ear-free.

Roberta: Okay. Well, that’s it for me, Ryan. I’m gonna say goodbye to everybody. Yeah,

Ryan: thanks everyone. We really appreciate you checking into Artblog Radio this week. The week of April 23rd. We’ll see you next week.

I’m Ryan. I’m Roberta, and we’ll see you next time. Thanks so much.

Roberta: Bye-Bye.
