
Armory Show stats FYI

Headline on the email that came from the happy Armory Show folks:

52,000 visitors and $85 million in sales at The Armory Show 2007

Some talking points from their report:

Attendance rose to 52,000 visitors, an increase from 47,000 in 2006.

Based on gallery’s reports, total sales exceeded $85 million, rising from $62 million in 2006.

Zach Feuer (New York) sold out 90% of his stand within the first hour, reaching record sales for Edgar Bryan, Daniel Gordon and Danica Phelps and securing museum interest in many of the gallery’s artists.

“The fair couldn’t have been better.” White Cube/Jay Jopling (London), summarized their experience, “We had strong sales, especially for new work and Christian Marclay’s art, which flew out of the booth. Damien Hirst’s “Extinct” sold quickly for $800,000, leading up to his show in June.”

My questions:
What does that mean, securing museum interest?

What’s new here? The market surge continues for the blue chips.
