
Art video gets a grip–and the Philly blackout

ryan trecartin video
Ryan Trecartin’s “I-Be Area” video still. Go here for the video courtesy of Ryan Trecartin and Elizabeth Dee Gallery on New York Times web site

I used to think that if I never saw another art video, I’d die a happy woman. No more. At last, lots of video artists have gotten off their high-art horse (we’ve mentioned this any number of times)–and there’s a terrific article by Holland Carter in the New York Times on this very subject, today.

The article which discusses, among others, Kalup Linzy–he was in a show at Temple Gallery last year and I hope you didn’t miss it because he was hysterically funny–as well local artists Ryan Trecartin and Lizzie Fitch.

And this brings me to what’s not mentioned–Trecartin and Fitch’s Philadelphia base of operations.

No way do I think, like some, that the New York Times has an official policy of never mentioning Philadelphia in an attempt to eradicate an upstart rival. Believe me, we are just a fly on their nose, vis a vis art. But thinking of Philadelphia as suburban New York is a bit ridiculous. And surely, since one of the points of the article is that video artists do not feel the need to be based in the Big Arty Apple, and since the locales of other video artists not from Philadelphia are mentioned, it seems wrong not to write that Trecartin and Fitch are working in Philadelphia.
