
Final Four Kisses for Mayor Nutter

Four more kisses for Mayor Nutter from artists affiliated with Sherman Mills and Building 32 there.

Carol Wisker

Hi Libby and Roberta,
I most certainly support the creation of an Office of Arts and Culture in Philadelphia!! I have a studio at Sherman Mills where I am currently getting ready for my September show at the Third Street Gallery. I am also serving as the Education Advisor to the group of teaching artists at Building 32. Thanks to both of you for all that you do for Philadelphia artists! Best, Carol Wisker

Stella Gassway

I am an artist at Sherman Mills. My drawings are an exploration of distant memory. A meditation and journey visualizing the smells, sounds, and experience of what one can define as the past. I was happy to see your call for our new Mayor to deliver on his promises. As volunteer web diva for smARTS and communications consultant for b32 I have encouraged the artists of Sherman Mills to support your effort. Our whole community looks forward to an expanded cultural role by our city government. I sincerely support the creation of an Office of Arts and Culture in Philadelphia! Oh, btw b32 and Sherman Mills are happy to advertise and support the artblog. Best wishes for success. Stella

Pam Pawl

My name is Pam Pawl and I have been involved in the Phila. fiber arts community for over 30 years. I have a weaving studio at Sherman Mills in East Falls where I create one of a kind blanket and scarves and teach classes through our education program, B32. Keeping the arts alive and well in Phila is very important to me. I support the creation of the an Office of Arts and Culture in Philadelphia.

Sue McKee
Sue McKee

Hello I am Sue McKee an artist at Sherman Mills. I am primarily a painter. At the moment I am exploring lots of mixed media on canvas.

This concludes artblog‘s Kisses for Mayor Nutter campaign. Thank you one and all for your great outpouring of thoughts, images and energy to support the creation of a Philadelphia Office of Arts and Culture. As of this writing the appointment to head that office has not been made. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear anything.
