
What we want to see Friday


PAFA talk marathon
PAFA is where you’ll find the Artblog crew on Friday from 5-7 pm. We’re gonna shut up and listen for a change.

  • 5 pm. (Hamilton Auditorium, historic building, PAFA) Special Agent (SA), Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert K. Wittman, will give a talk “U.S. vs Art Thieves: Tales from the FBI’s Real Indiana Jones!” FREE
  • 6 pm. Rob Matthews will talk about his work The Assumption at Ridglea in conjunction with exhibit of recent acquisitions, Spot Check, in the Morris Gallery, also in PAFA’s historic building. FREE

Fiber fiber everywhere
Here’s the list of many fiber exhibits in town in connection with Snyderman-Works‘ 6th International Fiber Biennial which opens Friday, 5-8 pm.
Check the link for more listings. Many of the shows have First Friday openings.

Vox Populi
Opening reception March 7­, 6-10 mf
At Vox Populi, see great video and photo and installation artists who are members, including Nadia Hironaka and Matt Suib (here in their first collaborative piece), Roxana Pérez-Méndez, and Brent Wahl. Also, new video by Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga in the video lounge, and in the 4th Room Jason Schiedel‘s video installation continues. And Screening continues Deborah Stratman‘s video.

Space 1026
Opening reception March 7, 7-11 pm
The people at Brooklyn’s Cinders Gallery say they saw a UFO and that’s the basis for their curated show “Spacing Out” at Space 1026. No matter what you believe, the show — with artists from around the country working in a variety of media — sounds interesting.
