
At Table– quick take photos

I got a couple emails from Ann-Marie Lequesne with photos from her At Table reenactment. (see previous post for more). From Ann-Marie:

Hi Roberta, Thanks for the review/blog. I am in the States now (left 2 days after the event!) taking time off. I was really pleased with the way it went; it’s given me so many new elements to think about. I haven’t had time to look at/process any of the film, but here are some pics from the digital camera. I’ll keep you posted!

…I really enjoyed making the costumes. The sewing became a way of sculpting in space….Also, (At Table) will be in an exhibition called TEN at the Royal College of Art in October.

Ann-Marie Lequesne At Table
Ann-Marie Lequesne, At Table — 2 pm reenactment. All photos in the post by Lequesne

3 pm

Ann-Marie Lequesne At Table
4 pm. People walked in in character.

Ann Marie Lequesne At Table
4 pm

5 pm

Ann-Marie Lequesne At Table
5 pm close up
