
News post – Blood Orange vid shot by Da Corte, Temple & Little Berlin zine archive, Jill Bonovitz at the Hermitage, opportunities and more!


 Sometimes you can take it with you. Beth Heinly, whose teenage pastime of compiling her friends’ assorted doodles, comics and writing in a 250-page zine called the 3 O’Clock Book, is committing the last copy of its 500-copy print run to the Special Collections at Temple University Libraries. It’s now part of the new Little Berlin zine archive at Temple, a project Heinly’s been overseeing herself.

Theo Padnos, a journalist imprisoned by Al-Qaeda. Photo by Andrea Modica.
Theo Padnos, a journalist imprisoned by Al-Qaeda. Photo by Andrea Modica.


Andrea Modica’s photos were used for a Sunday New York Times magazine section cover story on an American journalist’s captivity under al Qaeda. The article is harrowing enough, but the photos of Theo Padnos lend an extra haunting note.


"Two-Headed Cowgirl" seen at FJORD's show dedicated to eight Philly-based figurative painters. Photo courtesy of the gallery.
“Two-Headed Cowgirl” seen at FJORD’s show dedicated to eight Philly-based figurative painters. Photo courtesy of the gallery.

Fjord’s next show is one for the champions of Philly’s long-standing – and somewhat un-heralded – scene for figurative painting. “Eight Young Figurative Artists Who Live in Philadelphia,” opening November 7 and continuing until November 29, is organized by Shanna Waddell and curated by Dona Nelson. Featuring the work of Aissulu Kadyrzhanova, Yoni Hamburger, Chris Davison, Shanna Waddell, David Meyers, Ryan Foley, Devon Reiffer and Emily Youkis. The opening reception is November 7, 7-10pm.




The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art’s eleventh annual SNAP TO GRID show, an un-juried exhibit where every entry is printed and shown, is seeking proposals. Entrants should submit JPEG files of original work; multiple entries are permitted, although there is a separate registration fee ($35) required for each image. The exhibit is international, open to all geographical locations, and special consideration is given to all entrants for inclusion in future shows at LACDA. The exhibit runs from December 11, 2014-January 3, 2015, with an artist’s reception December 11, 7-9pm in conjunction with the Downtown Art Walk. The deadline is December 1.

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Public Art Challenge” promises at least three cities with populations greater than 30,000 up to $1 million each over two years to develop public art projects. With mayors collaborating with artists and arts organizations, the City of Philadelphia has its work cut out for it. All interested organizations and artists should submit their ideas for the Public Art Challenge to the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE) on behalf of the City of Philadelphia.  The OACCE reviews all applications alongside an independent selection panel and makes recommendations to the Mayor on which proposal(s) to move forward.  The OACCE also works with the selected applicant(s) to develop an initial application to Bloomberg Philanthropies.  If Philadelphia is selected as a Public Art Challenge finalist, the OACCE and the applicant(s) develop a full proposal.  Both the initial application and full proposal are be submitted by Mayor Michael A. Nutter. The OACCE is taking proposals from all artistic disciplines – including but not limited to visual arts, performing arts, and multimedia projects. 

Artist News

Dev Hynes of Blood Orange doing what he does, directed by Alex Da Corte. Photo courtesy of
Dev Hynes of Blood Orange doing what he does, directed by Alex Da Corte. Photo courtesy of

Blood Orange plus Alex Da Corte plus Gap equals polychromatic joy. This new Blood Orange (Devonté Hynes) video, directed by Alex da Corte for Gap’s new campaign, is a beautiful few minutes of Hynes playing his striped Gap shirt like an instrument. We should all get on that “Play Your Stripes” technology, yes?

Jill Bonovitz is included in a tremendous gift show at the State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg, Russia. For its 250th anniversary, “Gifts From America,” 74 works of contemporary applied arts curated by Helen W. Drutt English, educator, and curatorial legend in the world of applied arts, Gifts from America is on display from December 2, 2014-March 8, 2015.

Ann-Marie LeQuesne invites you to join the 17th Annual Group Photograph, held this year on November 5 at the Henry Moore Galleries – Royal College of Art in London. “Did You Have Breakfast This Morning” is going to be a photographic survey of the group, with survey questions posted up around the room and participants-as-graphic-devices answering them.
