
Two great opportunities: FLUXspace and Vox Populi need you!

From the department of charitable giving, two notices worthy of your consideration:

Oliver Herring task night at FLUXspace last year. This is a shot from the blue room in the elevator. There was a video camera trained on the room and a live feed to a monitor downstairs where you saw the people merged with a background image previous taken on the streets of the neighborhood.
Oliver Herring task night at FLUXspace last year. This is a shot from the blue room in the elevator. There was a video camera trained on the room and a live feed to a monitor downstairs where you saw the people merged with a background image previous taken on the streets of the neighborhood.

FLUXspace, that wild and wooly place in the northern reaches of Kensington is planning its second project with New York-based artist Oliver Herring. The first task project last Dec. 15 included a screening of the dreamy short videos Herring made of the FLUX artists and their neighbors performing feats of Cirque du Soleil-ian acrobatics; and it included a great Sesame Street by way of Andy Warhol’s Factory task party with glamour (well, glitter at least) and ambition to save the world. If you want to see artblog’s giddy enthusiasms about the first FLUX/Herring event last year see this this and this and this. And see the video trailer made by FLUX’s Joe DiGiuseppe.

FLUX is looking for funds to stage fluxTASK2 — the event will be September 6, 2008 during the Fringe Festival (this will be a Fringe Festival event). In addition they’re running a poster design contest on their website and are looking for in-kind support (food, beverages, help with planning and other volunteering) for the event. You can contribute easily online. Of course checks and cashola are welcome too. We at artblog are firmly in the corner of this young organization.

See their new website to contribute and find out more about the poster contest and volunteering.

Vox Populi is celebrating its 21st year and instead of a pub crawl the excellent coop gallery has a panoply of events and projects they’re producing–all of which you can contribute to to help out this pillar of the Philadelphia art scene. contribute at the website.

Here’s from Vox’s Micah Danges:

We have a great deal of projects underway that we are very excited about.  Including an exhibition with Swedish artist Annika Eriksson and Vox Alumni, publishing our first book, press an LP, site a public art project with local national artists in our neighborhood and throw a big block party with special guest DJs to launch this exciting season.

Vox has a special deal going for a $250 gift but I am sure any level of support will be greatly appreciated.

We at artblogare huge supporters of Vox Populi as you know.
