
Bardo Pond at Little Berlin’s first birthday party

1:18 sec.

We stopped at Little Berlin last night for their first birthday party. Artblog pal Anabelle Rodriguez dj’ed three hours of music, everything from 60s psychedelic to 2008 beats. We missed that — boo hoo — and arrived just as Bardo Pond began to play. Go to their sexy psychedelic website if you really want to hear them. The clip above has horrible audio, sorry.

Little Berlin co-founder Martha Savery was hostessing, selling beer, filling beer cups from the keg and giving away the free 1 year birthday zines. It was a truly classy birthday party. The art on the walls looked good but because of the big crowd we didn’t see much of it so we’ll go back. The work is by Sara Stenger, Maggie Van Scoyk and Alice Tippit (That’s Van Scoyk’s painting “Meh” on the wall in back of the band.) The show’s called Does this show make me look fat? and runs Sept 5-Oct. 4, 2008. Below’s a brief and grainy view of some of the work in the show.

58 sec.
