I thought you might enjoy this video about art values. WARNING: 30 seconds of a commercial prior to start of video!

BTW, the video features an artwork by Isaac Witkin, above, and the producer of this news feature is named Nadine Witkin. Hmmm. My other bit of full disclosure is this came from the dreaded Fox News. And finally, this all gives you a hint of the era of the artists named in the video.
Nonetheless, the info was interesting, vis a vis art auction prices and the economy in general.
My friend Philip Zuchman follows those things, and he recommends an internet site for following art prices–artprice.com. It’s one of those sites that has some restrictions on entry to part of it, but he seems to have figured out how to access the huge worldwide database of art auction prices that are on there. Oh, and skip their video. It’s not worth your time, unless you want to laugh at the vast French-American cultural divide and ego gone wild.