We’re gonna do something really great with our new Knight Arts Challenge grant of $7,000 (plus an equal amount in matching funds–still to be raised)!
Artblog will help culture lovers explore the far-flung galleries and experimental spaces with our First Friday Art Safaris, guided tours by van to where so much of Philadelphia’s most exciting art lives. The two of us will lead the tours into the galleries. The safaris will start in the spring of 2012 and span four consecutive First Fridays.

Here’s why we proposed this project: You’ve probably had the same experience we’ve had–no easy public transportation to reach the multiple locations that are hosting simultaneous First Friday openings. With our First Friday Art Safaris, we will lead a van of 10 intrepid adventurers each First Friday and travel to the ends of Philadelphia’s sizzling art scene.

Because we want to share the experience with the larger universe of culture lovers, Artblog will capture the guided safaris on video and put them on the internet — edited down to enjoyable segments of great art talk and great visuals in the galleries. The videos will run on Artblog, YouTube, and the websites of Artblog’s local media partners. Tickets for the live tours will be available starting in January 2012.
All of this depends on our raising funds to match the original grant. All contributions are welcome! Now and in the future! Send your tax-deductible contribution now, either by check or by credit card. Write your check to TheArtblog, Inc., write For Artblog art safari on the face of the check, and mail. (Your receipt will come from the Miami Foundation, our fiscal sponsor for the project). Or print and fill out the artblog contribution form. Mail forms or checks to: Artblog First Friday Art Safaris, c/o Libby Rosof, 4217 Osage Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104.
We believe these tours will reach an audience that rarely ventures beyond the big, safe art institutions as well as an audience that goes to Center City galleries but is uncomfortable venturing elsewhere. We are giving a brand new audience the tools to explore cutting edge art–and we hope connecting potential collectors to some great art.
-Libby & Roberta