
Artblog Art Safaris, Episode 5 – Nick Lenker’s Apocalypse of Now at Pageant Soloveev

This 3-minute episode from our April 14 Art Safari takes us to Pageant Soloveev, 607 Bainbridge St. for an encounter with Nick Lenker‘s The Apocalypse of Now. Lenker lived in the gallery for 3 days last weekend, enacting a rite of passage as he transitions from MFA student at Tyler School of Art to graduation and the great beyond. Accompanying us on this tour are a group of intrepid souls including a couple of artists, two art collectors and three psychotherapists!  And stay tuned for two more episodes from the April 14 Safari, which will run here later in the next two weeks. To watch all the safari videos go to the art safaris page of the blog.

This episode is recorded and edited by the gifted Kim Paynter of WHYY’s — thanks Kim! Thanks also to the Knight Foundation for the matching Arts Challenge Award for the Art Safaris. Thanks to the Miami Foundation, With Art Philadelphia, University of the Arts, the Barnes Foundation’s Art Now class, to the galleries we visited and to all our supporters who helped us match and exceed the grant amount! You can subscribe to our videos on our YouTube Channel.
