
Leading up to the ICA’s 50th anniversary this fall, Primary Information is exploring their archives and reflecting on its contemporary potential. Over the next few weeks, Primary Information is staging a series of events in the installation and interventions on the Excursus website. Tonight, the opening program features performances by experimental musicians Alan Licht and C. Spencer Yeh.
Philly got a nice little gift from Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the form of a million dollars to be spent furthering social enterprise. We are one of five cities to win Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Mayors Challenge, chosen from 300 applicants. Especially given the tumult over the budget, AVI and tax delinquency in recent days, this is coming at a pretty great time. News Works’ Zack Seward has a nice write-up of the winning idea, the GoodCompany Group-proposed Philadelphia Social Enterprise Partnership, which seeks to attract entrepreneurs to address city problems.
We know everyone could use some more artistic trappings in their domicile, so why not find some new objets d’art while supporting up-and-coming artists? Art Unleashed is an exhibition and sale of artwork in all media from talented University of the Arts alumni, faculty and students, with sales going towards the University’s Sam S. McKeel Promising Young Artists Scholarship Fund. Featuring everything from cutting-edge contemporary jewelry to ceramics, photography to crafts, furniture, painting, sculpture and illustration, Art Unleashed showcases the finest work from established and emerging artists. This year’s edition spotlights the work of two renowned alumni artists: glass artist Dan Dailey BFA ’69 (Crafts) and illustrator Jerry Pinkney DIPL ’60 (Advertising Design). The preview party (admission charge) is on April 10, 5 – 8 p.m, while the public sale, with free admission, is on April 11 – 13, 12 – 5 p.m.
For the gamers and nerds among us: Ars Virtua is soliciting proposals for its Orwell Artist-in-Residence program (AVAIR) in Minecraft. They’re seeking artists, coders, poets, and engineers to spend six weeks in the virtual environment / game space of Minecraft, in order to explore how the game environment and terrestrial world mesh with contemporary art. No previous experience in virtual environments or Minecraft is required, but you should probably have at least a basic knowledge of it; according to their site, “Minecraft is a sandbox where creativity and ludology intersect in a highly social space rich with possibilities due to relative openness of the code and hosting options.” Intense. Established and emerging artists are invited, and the residency culminates in an exhibition and opening in Minecraft and documentation in Minecraft and on the web. They even indicate the possibility of making a downloadable “world” based on the exhibition available. Residents receive a $400 stipend, training and mentorship as necessary. The deadline is March 21 at midnight PST.
Artist News

Sarah Brin, who curated last year’s awesomely-conceived DIY Punk Arcade at Little Berlin, has plans in the works to curate a video series for MOCA on gaming. Details forthcoming – stay tuned.

Josette Urso has an upcoming group show at Kenise Barnes Fine Art in Larchmont, NY. Beginning April 13 and running through May 25, Abstract Thinking takes place at the gallery’s new address, 1947 Palmer Avenue.