First Friday, June 7, was one of the most miserable, water-logged nights in the history of the monthly art openings. It was truly a dark and stormy night in the City of Philadelphia. But we went ahead anyway, we hosted a First Friday get-together for our writers and others in the Artblog family. We met in a conference room at the Culture Works co-working space, where we are members.

Weather kept the turnout light but it was a great opportunity for everyone who came to meet and place a face to the name of the various contributing authors. Intern, Sammi Jauch, was on hand with a video camera to record some short artblog testimonials in celebration of our “Decade of Artblog.”
Pictured below are team mates Roman Blazic and Roberta, who have worked together in cyberspace for years and had never met before in the real world!

Here’s my Haiku on the evening:
The rain falls outside
A fountain of heavens way
The white wine was dry.
Also in attendance – Artblog writers Chip Schwartz, Jennifer Zarro, Rachel Heidenry; and friends of Artblog, Adam Kearney (of Saunter, the upcoming Yelp for the arts), Carmen Vendelin (of LaSalle University), Lee Tusman (Hidden City Festival), Kathryn Sclavi of the Hot Tea cart, Gregory Walker (The Brothers Network), and Christine Tilton (Moore College friend of Sammi’s). Sad to miss the event was Libby, who had a family event that night.
The images above are by Sammi Jauch, screen shots from the forthcoming Decade of Artblog videos.
The lesson learned – we need more get-togethers! And we need better weather.