
Lewis Colburn on history and how it morphs through the re-telling – An Artblog Radio podcast

Lewis Colburn, showing us his hand-made half-scale cinder blocks.
Lewis Colburn, showing us his hand-made half-scale cinder blocks.

Lewis Colburn loves history and his sculptures and installations often deal with historical periods and ideas at play in those bygone eras. We would have loved to meet and talk with him in his studio in the Viking Mill building in Kensington, but that building, which houses many artists studios and small businesses, was recently closed due to some code violations (part of it — the space Little Berlin occupies — is now open). Colburn is a CFEVA fellow and a member of the alternative gallery Napoleon.  His work is on view until Dec. 6 in the Citywide exchange show As First as exactly, a Napoleon members show at Traction Company in West Philadelphia.  We spoke with Lewis Nov. 14, 2013, at the University of the Arts, where he curates the Hamilton Hall Public Art Initiative and is the Sculpture Shop Supervisor.
