
The Artblog Reader Advisor

[This week on the Artblog Reader Advisor: Apple toots its own horn and keeps an eye on the time; new FAA regulations seem to put the kibosh on Amazon and other would-be commercial drone users; and architects self-select for designing prisons and solitary confinement cells.]

One to Watch: The Woz Says Apple’s New Gadget Is Art, via CNET

Design Behind Bars: The Ethics of Prison Architecture, via New York Times

Image via New York Times.
Image via New York Times.

British Artists Boycott Israeli Culture and Sponsorship, via Artnet

FAA Nay Means No-Fly Zones for Drones, via Yahoo Tech

Behind the Scenes with the Makers of a Vivian Maier Documentary, via Huffington Post

Image via Huffington Post.
Self-portrait by Vivian Maier. Image via Huffington Post.

Postmodern Pop and D’Angelo’s Black Messiah, via Wall Street Journal

How Photos Were Made Throughout History [Video Series], via Gizmodo Reframe

Your Dress is Ringing: Is Wearable Tech Really This Close?, via the Guardian
