
It’s coming – The Inaugural Guest Editorship of The Artblog by The St. Claire!

The month of April, 2015, will stand out in Artblog history as the month of our first-ever Guest Editorship!

We are very pleased to announce the Guest Editorship collaboration between The Artblog and The St. Claire, an online arts publication we have long admired for its out-of-the-box thinking about art and art writing!

colorful web page

As part of our month-long collaboration, The St. Claire will be taking over some of our regular features like the Reader Advisor and the Our Picks newsletter.  They will be producing new content for Artblog and we are very excited for all of the online activity!

ALSO! As part of the Guest Editorship, The Artblog and The St. Claire will be hosting art writing workshops, a panel discussion about art writing in Philadelphia and an art writing contest with cash prizes!  Read more about the New Art Symposium (panel, workshops) and the New Art Challenge (contest) and be sure to participate in this first time Spring festival that calls attention to the state of art writing in Philadelphia!

If you read Artblog, you are a committed art wonk (admit it).  You are passionate about art and art writing, and you know Philadelphia needs more art writing.  This Guest Editorship and all the programming online and in the real world are about focusing your attention on the need — and helping you do something about it.  We hope to see you at the events and we really hope you will submit your writing to the contest!  For real, it will be great.
