Celebrating two independent gallerists
On the 20th anniversaries of Gallery Joe and Pentimenti, two wonderful contemporary art venues in Philadelphia that we admire, we talk with the gallery’s owner/directors, Becky Kerlin (of Gallery Joe) and Christine Pfister (of Pentimenti). Both galleries are located in Old City, and both started in the recession of 1992/93.
In our interview, they talk with us about starting their galleries, deciding to participate in the art fairs, working with artists and selecting artists, and about some of the online scams, involving the sale of art, that are circulating on the Internet. We spoke with Kerlinand Pfister on Nov. 30, 2012 at Pentimenti Gallery.
This episode is edited by Peter Crimmins. The music is by Eric Biondo. The slide show is edited by Artblog Intern Alison McMenamin. Thanks to the Knight Foundation for helping us get the ball rolling on this project. Thanks also to J-Lab‘s Enterprise Reporting Fund and William Penn Foundation for additional support and to our partner WHYY NewsWorks for their ongoing support. You can listen to Artblog Radio on Apple and Spotify.