Ron Klein’s works come from his quest to understand the world and his (and by extension all of ours) place in it. He travels the world, canoeing into the deep rain forests of the equator in search of wonders to be found on the forest floor. He also trolls the streets of Philadelphia, the flea markets and yard sales to find discards from humans. His art, like the piece “Whispers” now at Abington Art Center until June 23, portrays the wedding of these natural and man-made objects which flow and bump against each other in a kind of jewel-like array. Harmonious yet contained harmony. Blink and you can imagine chaos instead of harmony.
I talked with Ron Tuesday, May 23, 2017. He talked about his Amazon journeys, his encounters with the wise people who live there beyond the Internet’s reach. And he mentions his two big inspirations, Marco Polo and Ben Franklin. More information on Ron’s art at the artist’s website. Information about the Abington Art Center show at their website. And read a 2010 post on Artblog about Ron Klein.

Thank you to The Galleries at Moore TGMR radio project for making this podcast possible, and especially to Matt Kalasky for inviting Artblog to participate in the Moore radio project. You can also listen to the interview with Ron Klein at the TGMR site.