
Artblog Art Writing Contest on WURD radio, when Stephanie Renee talks with Imani Roach!

Listen to this great podcast captured from WURD radio and appearing here with permission. WURD talk show host Stephanie Renee speaks with Imani Roach about the Artblog Art Writing Contest in this peppy ten-minute audio. Then click the links in the post for information on how to apply and get details about the cash prizes! C'mon, apply! Contest ends at Midnight, Oct. 31, 2018.

Contest poster 2018

Imani Roach talks with WURD Radio’s Stephanie Renee on this clip from Steph’s WURD show on October 5, 2018. Thank you, Steph, for hosting Imani on your program to talk about the contest. We are hoping for many applications for this exciting contest with cash prizes and publication opportunities!

Apply to Artblog’s Art Writing Contest! If you’re an emerging writer, this is a chance to be awarded $1000 cash for your thoughts, words and ideas about Philadelphia’s arts and culture world. Got an idea? Seen a show? Attended a performance? Mad as heck about something in the art world and want to write your heart out about it? We want your voices in the mix! Three cash prizes in all. PLUS, publication of your work on Artblog and a chance to be published in our forthcoming print publication “The Best of the Artblog Art Writing Contest!”

Free to enter. Here’s more information with a link to the application form. Or, go directly to the application site and upload your file – 1,000 words max, in PDF file.
