
Congratulations, Leah Douglas, for 20 years of @PHLAirportArt! A video visit

In this post, we present a wonderful short video made by the talented video maker (and Artblog contributor) Ron Kanter that celebrates the Art at the Airport program, spearheaded by the great curator, Leah Douglas. Leah's focus for the 20 years she's headed the Art at the Airport program has been on local art, bringing the riches of the Philadelphia art scene to the thousands of daily travelers (30 million annual travelers!) into and out of PHL International. Congratulations, Leah on your wonderful 20 years of curating Art at the Airport! Here's to 20 more years and beyond! The video was made in Fall, 2018; the running time is 3 and a half minutes.

For more about the current exhibitions, visit the Art at the Airport website.

Leah Douglas and her team receiving a citation from the city of Philadelphia for the wonderful 20 years of Art at the Airport. (l-r, Ursula Stuby, Leah Douglas, Ahmed Salvador, Clint Takeda, Rachel Jackson)
Leah Douglas and her team receiving a citation from the city of Philadelphia for the wonderful 20 years of Art at the Airport. (l-r, Ursula Stuby, Leah Douglas, Ahmed Salvador, Clint Takeda, Rachel Jackson)