
Sarah Muehlbauer at Icebox, Cerulean Arts 7th juried show, Salon de Refuses at Imperfect, Sherman Fleming performance re-enacted, Anne Minich in New York plus Opportunities

Today's News Post includes two opportunities: One from Mural Arts for a $25,000 project in Kensington, and the other, to perform in a Philadelphia Avian Choir to drown out car and truck noise with bird song. Also in the post, news of Philadelphia artists showing in New York or having their work re-enacted, a salon de refuses and more!


Sarah Muehlbauer performs at Icebox Project Space June 28 and 29, with movement, video, and more
Sarah Muehlbauer performs at Icebox Project Space June 28 and 29, with movement, video, and more

Sarah Muehlbauer, Leeway Icebox Artist in Residence, performs movement/sculpture/aerials, Ripple/Quake, at Icebox Project Space June 28 and June 29, FREE, RSVP at link

Jane Irish juror of Cerulean Arts’ 7th Annual Juried Exhibition opening June 22, 2-5pm

Anne Minich, Quentin Morris, Matthew Sepielli featured in group show “Just Painting” at Jack Barrett Gallery (NY), June 21-August 4 curated by Ezra Tessler

Salons des Refusés) (artists rejected from recent Woodmere Annuals) curated by Virginia Maksymowicz and Simone Spicer opens June 29, 6-9 PM at IMpeRFeCT Gallery

Michael Carroll releases debut poetry chapbook August 1 Available for preorder at the link


Mural Arts seeks artist for Kensington project $25,000 budget, Deadline Aug. 9

Bird lovers sought for Philadelphia Avian Choir for performance of bird calls with Audubon Bird Call Instruments at The Rail Park. Email


“Invisible n00se: Bearing Witness at the Liberty Bell #2,” Sherman Fleming, Performance documentation photograph, 2017, Courtesy of Sheman Fleming and Ed Marshall.
“Invisible n00se: Bearing Witness at the Liberty Bell #2,” Sherman Fleming, Performance documentation photograph, 2017, Courtesy of Sheman Fleming and Ed Marshall.

Sherman Fleming’s endurance performance from 1979 re-enacted in Washington, D.C. by Holly Bass to great accolades by press Listen to Sherman talk about his endurance performances with A.M. Weaver in this 2016 Artblog Radio podcast.

Michelle Millar Fisher, curator at the PMA, creates anonymous crowd-sourced spreadsheet to reveal disparate salary levels in the art world See spreadsheet

Root Quarterly, glossy local arts and culture magazine, launches vol. 1 issue 1, with cover art by Darla Jackson and content of poetry, essays, interviews, jazz, food, politics

There was a refinery explosion last night and in true philly fashion, there are memes

Meme courtesy of @TheMightyEROCK
Meme courtesy of @TheMightyEROCK
Artblog Chernobyl Philadelphia Butane Explosion
