In this episode of Artblog’s Latinx Heritage Month series, documentary filmmaker Kristal Sotomayor discusses her forthcoming film “Expanding Sanctuary.” The film explores the work by activists at the South Philly organization Juntos.
In the second installment of Artblog’s Latinx Heritage Month series, Wit speaks with local filmmaker Kristal Sotomayor about her film “Expanding Sanctuary.” The piece follows the work of the organization Juntos and, more specifically, the labor of activist Linda Hernandez in the fight to end the PARS database agreement in Philadelphia. Listen to this 26-minute episode to find out more about Kristal’s brilliant, much-needed work.
Thank you to Leeway Foundation for allowing Artblog to use their conference room in order to record this podcast. This episode can also be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.