
Save the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy and the Philadelphia Cultural Fund!

Sad and shocking news from Philadelphia - Due to COVID-19 budget shortfalls, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney's revised FY 2021 budget eliminates the Philadelphia Cultural Fund as well as funding for staff and programs in the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy, including Art in City Hall and the Percent for Art Program.

City Hall, Philadelphia, PA
Skyline featuring City Hall, Philadelphia

Friends, Mayor Jim Kenney’s revised COVID-19 budget proposal needs to be opposed.The proposal zero’s out theThe Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF) a non-profit that funds local arts organizations, and the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE), which runs Art in City Hall and Percent for Art. These two programs provide invaluable service to artists and arts organizations, and it’s a tragedy that they have all been deleted — STARTING JUNE 1, 2020 — presumably since art is “non-essential.”

What is the Philadelphia Cultural Fund? From their website:

The Philadelphia Cultural Fund (PCF) was established in 1991 when Philadelphia’s Mayor and City Council authorized the creation of an independent nonprofit 501(c) (3) corporation whose mission is to provide funds to enhance the cultural life and vitality of the City of Philadelphia and its residents. PCF is managed by a professional philanthropy staff, with governance provided by a board comprised of arts leaders, community members and representatives named by the Mayor and City Council President. Grant applications are reviewed through a transparent and robust process that includes site visits and peer panels.

This proposal sends a horrible message about how the arts don’t matter in Philadelphia and more to the point, it implies that the arts have nothing to offer the community at this time, when we know the arts are helping many of us get through the pandemic.

If you want your voice heard, please sign this petition started by iradiophilly. And write to the these people:

Mayor James Kenney –
David Wilson in the Managing Director’s Office –
Your Council Person – Find your councilperson’s here.

Tell them the arts matter to you, and that you oppose these cuts. We hope that together we will be heard and the OACCE, Art in City Hall, Percent for Art and PCF will be saved. Thank You!

More information from and Philadelphia Inquirer

Mayor’s Operating Budget -See page 80
IradioPhilly story Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney Delivers New Budget by Video; Jobs/Services Cuts, Tax Hikes
Inquirer story by Stephan Salisbury
