We are delighted to announce some great news this week – two Artblog writers get accolades; 12 local artists of color receive “Cultural Treasure” status; two notable exhibitions at Facture and Magic Gardens; United Academics invites the public to its bargaining session with UArts; Woodmere invites you to an Open House for Kids Care 29, and a great-sounding artist opportunity from UPenn Critical Museum Studies graduate students. Enjoy, slow down, read. And take care of yourself! Love, Artblog
Artblog writers in the News!
We love working with our superb writing team and pride ourselves in having brought you excellence in writing throughout the years. Today, we are proud to share that two team members have been praised, accoladed and in the news. Congratulations, Janyce Denise Glasper and Dereck Stafford Mangus!
When you read Artblog, you know you will be getting great writing by writers, like Janyce and Dereck, who embrace our mission of inclusion and equality and who have chosen to publish their thoughts, ideas and opinions with us. When you support Artblog, you are supporting these artist-writers and helping to raise issues of importance to the community. Think about making a contribution during our 2022 end-of-year appeal. Click here to donate online via our Paypal. Thanks!
Philadelphia Cultural Treasures Announced!
Recipients of the 2022 Cultural Treasures Fellowships (L-R). Row 1: Daryl Kwasi Burgee, Vashti Dubois, Maori Karmael Holmes Row 2: Homer Jackson, Wit López, Roberto Lugo Row 3: Louis Massiah, Pepón Osorio, Ursula Rucker Row 4: Sinta Penyami Storms, Andrea Walls, Yolanda Wisher
In case you missed it, more Than $1 Million in Fellowships were awarded to twelve BIPOC artists by local funders. The twelve are great, the names mostly expected. We hope there will be an annual cohort of Cultural Treasures because there are many more who deserve this support and recognition.
Official information
12 Philadelphia-area artists and cultural workers of color have been awarded more than $1 million in fellowships through the Philadelphia’s Cultural Treasures funding initiative. The recipients are remarkably talented practitioners who make a material difference in their communities over and above the already challenging work of sustaining their own careers.
Working in music, performance, film, visual arts, literature, and multidisciplinary and community-based art forms, the 2022 fellows are:
Daryl Kwasi Burgee
Vashti Dubois
Maori Karmael Holmes
Homer Jackson
Wit López
Roberto Lugo
Louis Massiah
Pepón Osorio
Ursula Rucker
Sinta Penyami Storms
Andrea Walls
Yolanda Wisher
The awards range from $75,000 to $120,000 in unrestricted funds, with the higher amounts awarded to artists whose contributions have made an impact on the region for 20 years or more.
These fellowships are awarded as part of the regional component of America’s Cultural Treasures, an initiative created by the Ford Foundation and administered in Philadelphia through a collaboration among The Barra Foundation, Neubauer Family Foundation, The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, William Penn Foundation, and Wyncote Foundation. Philadelphia’s Cultural Treasures specifically supports Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) cultural groups, artists, and organizations with exceptional significance to Greater Philadelphia. Learn more about the Cultural Treasures program. https://www.pewcenterarts.org/2022pctfellows
Notable Exhibitions
“Minor Dragon,” a Bronze sculpture by Gina Michaels on view at Facture Gallery.
Gina Michaels at Facture Gallery It’s rarely clear what sparks a new body of work for an artist. Gina Michaels explained the origin of her ongoing series Human Nature, this way. From an unexpected giddy reaction to the sculptural results after she impressed her two hands in sand into which molten bronze was poured, creating whimsical human sculptural objects that make up a continuing motif of her plant-like forms. The artist is invoking the relationship between nature and humans and suggesting a one-ness that is for her both spiritually-rooted and deeply felt. In another series, Michaels creates allied works, which resemble leafless espalier trees on the branches of which sit miniature sculptures of human individuals at ease or in thought. In one case a bird perches high on a tree branch looking down on a small green dragon that is looking up at it. Narrative, spiritual and otherworldly, the works touched the subtext-reader in me, and I found a lot to mull over. The Facture gallery is open by appointment, through this contact link. There is a closing reception scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 17, 2:00 – 5:00 P.M. Next up at Facture is works by Gerard Brown.
In Between and All at Once – Works by Chloe Luisa Piñero
Opening reception is Friday, December 9th, from 6-9pm
Philadelphia Magic Gardens
Tour & Talk: Tuesday, December 13, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM
$15/Adults, $12/Students & Seniors, FREE/PMG Members
Stay tuned for workshop dates!
Chloe Luisa Piñero is a friend of Artblog and a contributor to our forthcoming “Artblog Atlas of Art and Food in Philadelphia.” We are very happy to see Chloe’s magical works placed in the Magic Gardens gallery!
More information from Chloe:
I’m excited to be showing this body of work together for the first time in Philadelphia. The work in this show includes print, collage, painting, and mixed media work from 2020-2022. I’m especially eager to share with you an immersive installation that was made possible by the support of Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens.
Show dates are Dec. 9,2022-Feb. 26, 2023. The opening reception will be suggested donation. Otherwise general admission is $15 for adults. You can find more info about the show and Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens here.
United Academics of Philly Zoom Open Bargaining
Tues 12/13 3-5pm
ANYONE – students, parents, alumni, community members, and of course faculty & staff, are encouraged to attend Open Bargaining on Zoom this month to show the UArts administration that we want REAL improvements to pay and benefits for ALL faculty, including the 85% who are part-time.
After 20 MONTHS of negotiations, UArts Admin has REJECTED most of the Faculty Union’s salary & benefits proposals!
For Part-Time Faculty, UArts is offering:
NO Healthcare subsidy
NO Retirement matching
NO Professional Development fund
NO pay for mandatory trainings
For all Faculty, UArts is offering:
NO transparent or consistent salary structure to create equity
NO plan to provide pay increases that keep up with inflation and real cost-of-living!
Kids Care 29: Landscape Journeys – (exhibition runs til Dec. 18, 2022)
Open House Reception – Sat. Dec. 10, 1:00-3:00 PM
Woodmere Art Museum, 9201 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118
The 29th year of the Woodmere’s annual “KIDS CARE” exhibition is coming up Sat. Dec. 10, 1:00-3:00 PM. This year’s theme is Landscape Journeys.
More information: Kids Care 29
Now in its twenty-ninth year, Woodmere’s annual exhibition, KIDS CARE, has touched the hearts of thousands of people in the Philadelphia area. Hundreds of children from schools across the Philadelphia region create art works as holiday gifts for people homebound with chronic illnesses.
This year’s theme, Landscape Journeys, is inspired by Woodmere’s collection of Hudson River School art, paintings that convey the natural beauty of the American landscape. Students created an array of paintings, constructions, prints, collages, cards, and reliefs that convey how much “kids care.” Their artworks will be on exhibit through December 18th.
KIDS CARE is a partnership between Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia area schools, and MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance). Following the exhibition, each artwork will be wrapped by volunteers and delivered by MANNA along with a holiday meal to people at home.
Partage – Open call for exhibition, Partage opening Feb. 23, 2023 – DEADLINE TO APPLY JAN 1, 2023
The Critical Museum Studies Group is seeking submissions from artists for the exhibition “Partage: Separations and Sutures of the Colonial Museum,” to take place in Feb. 2023. In particular, we are interested in artists whose work reacts to, reimagines, and pushes against the ways that people, objects, and geographies are rendered in museum spaces.
Our exhibition name, Partage, comes from the 19th to early 20th century archaeological practice of dividing collections and splitting objects in half between the host nation and the nation of the extractor, a premise that fractured histories and their representations. We seek artists whose work engages with themes of history and the way it is divided, the inequities of ownership and new ways of imagining and communicating our past and future. We encourage submissions from up and coming Philadelphia-based artists, and are particularly interested in working with and supporting people whose work is often underrepresented in museum spaces, including artists who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA, LATINX, and artists with disabilities.
We are looking for works on canvas, paper, photographs, or installations. Artists will be selected by the Critical Museums Studies Group and will be awarded an honorarium of $500.
Partage – An exhibition on scars and sutures of the colonial museum
Feb 18, 2023, Atelier Gallery, 1301 N. 31st St.
DEADLINE TO APPLY – Jan. 1, 2023
250 word artist statement
250 word artist bio
PDF file of 3-5 images with titles, dimensions and materials
Artists will be notified Jan. 7, 2023
Questions? Email partage.exhibit@gmail.com