
Spector video dances on web


Coming soon to a website near you, “What is it?” (working title) a one minute, 15 second video by award-winning local filmmaker Wendy Weinberg and award-winning artist and galleryista Shelley Spector that’ll debut on Spector’s website at the end of August. I got a sneak peek the other day and –I’m hardly an unbiased viewer — but it’s a sweetheart.

shelleyart The short, colorful melange of images (excerpted from Weinberg’s 2002 documentary “The Art of Activism”) is set to a rhythm-heavy soundtrack and the whole thing bops along like a perky, upbeat show-and-tell. Except that there is no tell. This is not a talkie, this movie. makingartSpector [in red sweater] gets to utter the first words…something about “What is it on the walls?” and after that you’re off and boogie-ing. No words, just music and images.

In fact, the whole thing’s choreographed like a dance…which reminds you that the artist grew up as a dancer and has great reverence for movement. Check out the audio for the piece on the audblog below.

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