
Tutorial on digital on the cheap

Post by Franklin Einspruch

slidetableDitta – Let’s say you were both a computer and a camera have-not. You’d have to buy a camera, film or digital, and they’re about the same price. You’d have to learn how to download, clean up, adjust, and burn a digital image on one hand, or set up, light, meter or bracket, and shoot film on the other (which I was never able to do to my satisfaction, and burned a lot of film trying). Then there’s getting access to a computer with Photoshop, which here in Miami you can do at Kinko’s, or rent a lighting setup. So locally, at least, it’s cheaper to deal with this digitally, and I found that it was easier to learn how to do it. Also – the slides I got back that I had made from digital images turned out great. The digital scans I have made off of my slides have been flat and a little neutralized.

Judith – I’m very much looking forward to your show here in Miami in December. [ed. note: artblog contributor and stained glass artist Judith Schaechter has a solo exhibit at the Bass Museum of Art in Miami Beach, Dec. 4-Mar. 7. The show will then travel to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, WA, and to the John Michael Kohler Art Center in Sheboygan, WI.]
