So here’s a novel idea. Kait Midgett of Project Room has put out a call for entries to a one-day show, “Bling, Bling,” Sat., Oct. 25, at an exotic location, the Tacony Palmyra Flea Market.
The idea is to render unto Tacony what is Tacony’s…in the form of flea market art. Make your entry from a flea (or a thrift shop) find and transform it… Or don’t transform it. Whatever your post-modern mind desires. Bring your piece to Project Room by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24, and Kait will transport it to Tacony on Saturday where it will appear in the one day exhibit between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. (Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 26.) All the art will be for sale at the price originally paid for the thrift/flea object plus the cost you incur (if any) to upgrade the piece. If your piece sells, you’ll get the money. (Or you could donate the proceeds to Project Room.)
I hear this flea is one of the best around for the depth of its inventory. And check this out, they have a website with directions and a map. Tacony has given people a lot of art in its day. Time to sell the art back.
No entries accepted the day of the show. That means you must take your piece to Project Room on Friday, not up to Tacony on Saturday.
For more information contact kait@projectroom.org.