Here’s a little news that made me want to fast forward to March RIGHT NOW. It’s the lineup of 2004 exhibits at the Fabric Workshop and Museum which includes a stellar assortment of national and international talent with new solo work and an interesting group show focussed on film/cinema/video.
Mar 6-May 29 — international art hottie Ernesto Neto will install his new collaborative piece made with FWM (the work’s been shown in NY at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery — this will be its Philadelphia debut). (image is Neto’s “Walking in Venus Blue Cave, 2001)
Mar 27-May 29 — also hot Kara Walker will install a hand-fashioned “untailored” cyclorama she’s been working on at the FWM. Using bamboo, balsa wood and cotton sheets for construction, the old-fashioned movie machine will project some of Walker’s trademark antebellum figures on painted walls.

The 2004 list continues with this tantalizing group (no dates but I’ll let you know)
–Matthew Ritchie, solo exhibit (read more on Ritchie’s installation — pictured above — up at MIT)
–Laura Owens, solo exhibition
–Do-Ho Suh
–Teresita Fernandez
–Jean Shin
More immediately on the horizon in January, “Experiments with Truth,” a film-video group show guest-curated by London-based teacher and curator, Mark Nash, will dwell on the blurring of fact and fiction in contemporary art and cinema and the influence back and forth between high art and Hollywood. (I just saw American Splendor again this weekend and that’s an amazing amalgam of docu-fiction — with cartooning to boot.)
FWM will pull out the stops for this one producing a catalog and consulting with architects Elisabeth Diller and Rick Scofido and others on the exhibit design. Nash is co-curator of Documenta 11.