
Help your favorite Mongolian artist


[Note: I got an email this week from Joe Hohenstein, Mongolian artist Batsaihan Purveegiin’s immigration lawyer. Purveegiin, you may recall, has been detained by Homeland Security since last September in spite of the fact that a Judge’s order staying his imprisonment was in effect. (read my Weekly story about the case). Hohenstein says he may now be able to get Purveegiin a bail hearing or — better yet — a release. He is requesting letters of support from the community to back up his argument that Purveegiin poses no risks. (image is a the cover of a book made by Purveegiin. He turned over proceeds from sales of the book to support homeless children in Mongolia.)

If you can write a letter of support, follow Hohenstein’s directions below. Even if you have never met Purveegiin in person, you may feel you know him through his folk art, which has been exhibited widely. He is definitely a member of the Philadelphia art community and if you feel you could support his release, please consider writing. Thanks! I edited Hohenstein’s letter for length.]

Letter from Joe Hohenstein

Dear Roberta,

I am writing you because we are now in a position where we can help Purveegiin possibly get released [from INS detention]…I would like to file a Motion for Bond before the end of the week and I would like to include as many examples of community activity and support as possible. Can you see what you can do in terms of writing letters of support and getting the word out to others?

The letters should indicate the name and contact information of the person writing them. They should indicate how you know Batsaihan and what your experiences with him have been. We are requesting for Batsaihan Purveegiin to be released from immigration custody or at least given a fair bond amount. I will be trying to file by the end of the week if I have enough letters. Address the letters to The Honorable Walter Durling, Immigration Judge. Please don’t send letters to the judge directly. Send them or fax them to me at the address below. Thanks for getting the word out.

Joseph Hohenstein

Nationalities Service Center

1300 Spruce Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107

fax- 215-735-9718

