
Been there, done that, and happy to see it again


The Guardian has an article about little-known Belgian artist Raoul de Keyser now exhibiting at Whitechapel Gallery in London. (Is it just me or does the Guardian have fantastic art coverage — newsy and analytical and just plain better than what I’m seeing in the NYT (my other major newspaper for art)?

Anyway, de Keyser’s amazing paintings — abstract on the verge of representing — with creamy brushwork, muted colors and humanist concerns on the brain — came to Philadelphia’s Moore College in Nov. 2000, and I remember them — and the artist — well.

De Keyser, then 70, had an onstage discussion with newly-appointed Whitney Curator Larry Rinder, and what I remember is the artist’s honesty about the work and his shy unassuming presence.

I can’t find my PW review online because the archives don’t go back that far but here’s my artnet story about it (scroll down a bit). Also, Whitechapel Gallery has 10 images online. Some of those paintings were in Philadelphia.

I’m so glad to see the work again…it brightens up a gloomy Monday.
