
Tomorrow’s Hughes today

lucienfreudladywithdog Read Robert Hughes’ Guardian article on Lucien Freud in which he calls Freud, 81, younger than Damien Hirst and sexier than Tracey Emin. This may be an old boy talking about another old boy but it’s an interesting thought. (Hughes speaks tomorrow at Penn, part of the Locks Foundation distinguished artists series. Read my earlier post about how to get free tickets.)

Then check out this amusing ancillary story that says a Freud postcard image (Girl with White Dog, shown) has knocked the pre-Raphaelite “Ophelia” (1851) by John Everett Millais out of first place in sales in the Tate Modern’s giftshop! Tate director Nicholas Serota implies the British citizenry has grown up in its art appreciation, calling “Ophelia” a striking image and “Girl” a challenging one.
