
Bad boys in Brooklyn

martibulliesLocals Virgil Marti and Max Lawrence are in show opening today at the d.u.m.b.o. arts center (dac) in Brooklyn.

The show called “Heroes, Villains, and Average Joes” is curated by another local, Alex Baker, who is curator of the Morris Gallery at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

Marti will show his “Bullies” wallpaper (shown) that you may have seen at the Fabric Workshop or the CEC or two zillion other places because everyone loves it, with its black-light fluorescent portraits of bullies appropriated from his high school yearbook.

Lawrence’s villains are criminals pulled from the daily papers, anonymous “bad” people such as counterfeiters, prostitutes, and murderers. In these paintings, which resemble 3D postcards. Lawrence creates an illusionistic field in which narrative imagery is suspended between layers of resin.

Others in the show, which runs from today to July 11, include Kathe Burkhart, Josh Jordan, Leah Tinari and Marc Dennis.
