
Philadelphia via Toledo via Montenegro

Post by the folks at Toledo’s Space 237


You may or may not remember Blazo Kovacevic and Nataljie Mijatovic. They were both students at PAFA…and Nata was a Joan Mitchell Fellow. [note: I met Kovacevic in 2002 when I wrote for PW about his exhibit at Siano Gallery. Read it here. Interesting drawings set in a faux-retail installation. The drawings were clipped to hangers and hung on display racks.]

The pair is back in Montenegro but will be returning soon, we hope. Blazo has set up a very interesting website with a donation from the Montenegran Government, and it is terrific.


Both Blazo and Nata were part of a team that worked on the Balkan entry at the Venice Biennale last summer, and they have had several shows in Europe since.

(images are from the Kovacevic website. Top is webdesign by Kovacevic; above is detail from Aleksandar Macasev‘s first prize piece “Copy and Waste,” a sexy animated that pops along to a spooky German rap audio –definitely worth a view.)

–the folks at space237
