
R.I.P. Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture


I learned earlier today something that was confirmed independently just a minute ago — the city’s Office of Arts and Culture, targeted for closure by the Mayor’s budget cuts to art organizations, will close June 30. Staff were notified today by Carol Lawrence, director of that office.

“Our budget situation is dire, and the Mayor had to make very difficult decisions in order for the City to remain fiscally responsible,” said an email (from a high placed staffer in the Mayor’s administration) explaining the situation to other Commerce Department employees earlier today. (Arts and Culture is in the Commerce Department.)

Why this decision had to be made today when the budget hasn’t been passed is a mystery to me. But there you have it. Sadness reigns here at artblog — for those who lost their jobs and for the city so unenlightened it axes a meaningful arts program to save a few pennies.

(image is Philadelphia City Hall, detail, which I shot yesterday after seeing the Comix exhibit)
