
Some arts funding restored

This morning’s Inky tells us City Council passed the budget and that the Mayor has ten days to act on it (to veto or not to veto). This time, Council has the votes in line to override a veto, says the paper. Read Council Passes budget for 05 by Angela Couloumbis and Marcia Gelbert. (, password artblog)

The news for art lovers is that some arts funding is restored in this budget. Quoting:

The budget Council passed yesterday restores $2 million in funding for the Art Museum; $1 million for the Free Library; $3 million for recreation centers; $264,000 for the Atwater Kent Museum; and $30,000 for the African American Museum.

This does NOT sound like the Office of Arts and Culture got restored.. or money to non-profit arts groups like Vox Populi, Klein Gallery and others…

Anyone have any clarifying information on the latter points, contact artblog.
