
Projekt 30

sharpjumpI don’t know who Project 30 is but suddenly I’m on their mailing list. It appears to be a group of artists who for about a year have run a juried online art show of works by emerging artists. The website is opaque about many things but it seems legit.

For $35 an artist can submit 5 jpeg images and be considered for a two-month online show. (No sound or video capability however) 30 artists are chosen for each show, and when I checked out the August array — up now — I found it to be heavy in photography, light in drawing and painting and sculpture. Some of the work was very interesting although some struck me as a little slight. There are two viewing sizes which is nice — 800×600 or 1024×768 and as with many things cyber, flat things look best.

A pleasant surprise was running into work by Philadelphia artist Keith Sharp. (top image is example, though not in this show) Sharp is a Creative Artists’ Network artist and an inliquid artist and I’ve seen and admired his work around Philadelphia (Muse Gallery and elsewhere) for years.

(Below is a sample of Sharp’s “same but different” series which for some reason tickles me.)


Project 30’s organizing the October show and deadline for submissions is Sept. 1. You can apply online or download an app and snail mail it in. Click the box marked Prospectus. By the way, they seem to give a prize — $500 — for best of show.

Anyone know where this outfit hails from?
