
Rumpole and Eminem


My husband Steve, whose connection with popular culture consists of watching Rumpole of the Bailey videos rented from the neighborhood public library came down to dinner tonight saying he’d just watched the new Eminem video online and he was a big fan of the video — and of Em. Eyebrows went up round the table.


In his enthusiasm, Steve downloaded the video for me (it’s at and I watched it. It’s a good Em video and like all the rap artist’s works, it’s got a point and it’s nicely done. (It’s a get out the vote video with attitude)

Nice animation that’s kind of Disney cum anime.

I think the connection between Rumpole and Eminem needs further exploration. Rumpole was always the man of the people and his advocacy was always articulated with the highest regard for poetry. Em is himself a kind of advocate of the people/poet. Ph.D. candidates discuss it amongst yourselves.
