
Pause for Toynbee

toynbee16locustnewMaybe it was the rain the other day.

My umbrella was up, my eyes were down looking to avoid puddles. At 16th and Locust, an intersection I’ve crossed many times, I noticed what appeared to be a new, tiny Toynbee marker in the road.


As I fumbled around with zippers and my bag trying to get my camera out, wondering if I was nuts to try to photograph something like this in the midst of a downpour, I noticed out of my peripheral vision that there was another marker nearby under water in a big and getting bigger puddle.


I wondered if there could be more…and indeed there were.

Two more, these ones aged and worn down to be almost unreadable.


I checked the toynbee website which has a list of where the mystery signs embedded in the roads have been sited and I didn’t see 16th and Locust as a location which means either the website hasn’t been updated in a while or that nobody has reported it.

Speaking of reporting. Read Kansas City Star Doug Worgul’s story trying to make sense of the phenomena.

Street art report concluded and thanks for your attention. Now back to our regular programming.
