
Repositioning art

Post from Rob Matthews


Well I haven’t found a mention of the Artblog in the new Art in America (Feb 2005) but Virgil Marti did get a good review. There’s also a nice (but very late) article on Vincent Desiderio’s work from his last Marlborough show.

By the way, you mentioned a while back that Tristin Lowe has a sculpture up at the PMA (his chair piece)[image, Lowe’s “Disfunctional”]. What most museum-goers don’t get to see is that once every week or two, the chair gets “repositioned”.

The chair is sliced up along the legs in different places and somehow or the other you can rearrange how it sits: it either leans to the left, leans to the right, the legs get pulled in opposite directions. It’s fun to walk in on Tuesdays and see what new position it’s in. You might ask someone in the contemporary section if they are documenting the different sittings.

–Artist Rob Matthews is a contributor to artblog and is now in “Torrid,” a show at Kutztown University along with a raft of other interesting artists.
