
Greater NY in Greater Philly

Thanks to From the Floor‘s always newsy Todd Gibson I read a story in NY Magazine about ten artists picked to be in PS 1’s Greater NY 2005 exhibit opening Mar 13. The rest of the list, apparently, is a kind-of-sort-of big secret that’s leaking out by the minute although you won’t find any list at PS 1’s website, which is cleverly undergoing massive overhaul and will not be back in business til March 13. Do we suspect there’s a Greater NY artist re-doing the website as part of his or her art for the show? (image is video still from “Moby Dick” by Guy Ben-Ner, one of the chosen artists, courtesy of Postmasters Gallery)

ben-ner, guy


Anyway, several artblog favorites, like the above-mentioned Ben-Ner — and Paul Chan and Wangechi Mutu — made the cut for the show and are featured in the magazine story. Read here. We’ve seen their work in Philadelphia or in the case of Chan in Pittsburgh. Just to refresh you: Ben-Ner was featured in the Vox video lounge (post); Wangechi Mutu was in the travelling, Alex Baker-co-curated Altoids show at PAFA’s Morris Gallery and Libby saw her work at the Studio Museum (post).
(image is detail of Mutu‘s “Hanging In (2004-5), courtesy of John Berns and Brent Sikkema Gallery, NYC)

mutu, wangechi

Chan has two videos in the Carnegie International. We told you about one (post) but not the other, which was even more spectacular: “Happiness (finally) after 35,000 Years of Civilization—after Henry Darger and Charles Fourier” (above is a video still from “Happiness”).


The piece is a trippy Darger-esque police-state paranoia animated, and NY Mag says MOMA bought a copy. (Chan, an activist, is seen here in handcuffs in a photo I pulled from the Carnegie website.)

chan, paul

Finally, in more Philly-NY breaking news, Moore Galleries’ curator Brian Wallace emailed me last night to say that Peter Rostovsky, an artist in the current Lewis and Clark-themed exhibit in his galleries is also in Greater NY 2005.

Rostovsky will give a gallery talk tonight at 6:30 pm at Moore. His piece, “Epiphany Model 3,” (shown) a sculpture of a small guy gazing out at a vast, fog of a painting, sits in the gallery’s window. It’s a honey and reminded me of our own town’s sculptor of guys, Gil Kerlin, who draws and sculpts small representations of Joe Publics in existential awakenings.

rostovsky, peter
