
Philly cleans up

Post from Rob Matthews

Friends, family, curatorial-types, writers:

The new mid-Atlantic issue of “New American Paintings” is in well-stocked bookstores now. Philadelphia cleaned up. Lots of artists from the 215 area code are represented, including yours truly (right, one of Rob Matthews’ drawings of himself beating back the demons). Fellow Gallery Joe artists Astrid Bowlby and Emily Brown are included despite the fact that none of us actually paint. Michelle Oosterbaan has exhibited at Gallery Joe but she does paint.

Look out for these Philly artists as well:

Hale Allen
Corey Antis
Michael Bartmann
Diane Burko
Corliss Cavalieri
Morgan Craig
Michael DeLuca
Anthony DeMelas
Joseph Hu
Mimi Oritsky
Jessica Puma
Naomi Reis
Robert Straight
Michael Tarbi
Mauro Zamora

Hopefully that’s everyone.

–Rob Matthews’ show at Gallery Joe will remain up until May 14.
