
Pompetti’s pop and Close’s fierceness

pompettimarilynThere’s no art page in the Weekly today due to space reasons (ah, the publishing business.) But you’ll find my two short editor’s choice boxes in the listings. Read here.

The first is about John Pompetti‘s pop art at B-Square Gallery, a venue run by the perky Heather Bryson, a Moore College grad who also shows her own hand-made jewelry in the space. B-Square is south of South St. on 9th and with Spector and Pageant Galleries on Bainbridge nearby there now appears to be a new albeit sprawling art district down there.

Pompetti’s works are classic pop — appropriated imagery, flattened and reduced to symbols — painted in a colorful high-contrast manner. The works have a sweet playfulness and while none of them are shockingly new, the overall affect pleases. (image is my favorite work in the show which features a Warhol “Marilyn” fastball streaking past a girl ball player.” See the artist’s website for more images.)

My other editor’s choice piece is a reminder to get out to see Chuck Close give his lecture tomorrow night at Penn’s Annenberg Center. I’ve told you about how to get a free ticket to that event in a previous post. See you there!
