
Vandal strikes at Fleisher

We got this email today from artist Daniel Heyman

heymanchallengethisRoberta and Libby,

I would like to bring to your attention that two of my woodblock pieces depicting a hooded prisoner from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were vandalized either last night or this morning by someone who scrawled “At least I was not beheaded” on one work, and drew a picture of facial features on another. I was just informed by Warren Angle, Fleisher Gallery director. He originally removed the attacked work, but I have asked him to put it back up in the exhibition. I have never had work vandalized before, it is a bit shocking. At least it tells me that the work is getting a message across! (right, Heyman’s “Challenge This,” five from a series of 15 water-based woodblock prints on washi paper)

Heyman’s pieces are in the fourth Fleisher Challenge show (see post from Roberta here and from Libby here)
