
More LINC info coming

From the editors: Got this additional note about LINC (see Roberta’s and Libby’s Linc posts as well posts from Tim McFarlane and Charles Hankin) from Beth Feldman Brandt and Melissa Franklin. Thought it might interest some of you:

There will likely be a ‘briefing’ in the fall for those artists unable to attend on July 22 to hear more about the findings of the day.

We will developing working groups of artists and others with specific expertise to investigate the areas that we could pursue for a LINC Philadelphia project.

By December 2005, we plan to identify the areas for which we will be developing a proposal to LINC for a $100,000 matching grant to implement a project to benefit artists.

Keep an eye on our website for updates and information beginning in September 2005.

Any artists not on this list who wish to be added to the email distribution list for future information should get in touch at
