
Speaking of our blogger buddies

Artblog New York correspondent Brent Burket and Baltimore ionarts blogger Mark Barry both emailed to tell us how hot Philly was today. Like we don’t know. No, no, they meant the two art reviews in the NY Times. Here Roberta Smith likes Richard Pettibone at the ICA. And here Ken Johnson likes Poussin at the PMA. They should come see our galleries too once in a while. Hello? We have great galleries here.
barry, mark
Barry‘s got a new post at ionarts today speaking of today and hot. Here. In which he strolls through the upper reaches of Manhattan and sees some good stuff, has some sticker shock and gets some rude treatment. The best steer is to Elizabeth Heybert‘s post-mortem photos at Edwin Houk Gallery. Here’s what he said:

An amazing and bizarre exhibit of African American funereal imagery, by Elizabeth Heyert, at Edwin Houk Gallery. If you’re white and have never had the privilege of attending such a sendoff, this could be a place to start. We white people don’t grieve and celebrate anywhere near this, and that’s too bad. James Earl “Jay Mae” Jones, born September 1982, died March 2004. Dressed in his best white rapper-style jump suit and tilted ball cap, with dollars spilling out of his pockets. Check the site for more images.

(image is from the Houk Gallery website. There’s a grid of 17 images. Spooky but sweet. Like those American Girls dolls…only not.)
