
Crafts on the side

I meant to put up a little item about the crafts corridor which is right next to the photography corridor at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

There’s a bunch of juicy, contemporary stuff on display from the collection, including this little grouping–front to back, Robert Arneson’s portrait of David Gilhooly, Gilhooly’s “Osiris Vegefrogged,” and Viola Frey’s “The Red Hand.”

In contrast, several muted Japanese pieces show a very different approach, including this Japanese vase by Koyama Fujio.

Proving that excess can be in a monotone, again a contrast to Koyama, the show included this fabulous “Double Face Jug and Candle Holder” by Cleater (CJ) and Billie Meaders.

And in a take on remarkable control and wit, there are several teapots, including Annette Corcoran’s “Red-Shouldered Hawk Teapot,” better than nature. Alas, my picture-taking skills are not better than nature, so I’ll skip this photo.

Local artists Jill Bonovitz and Robert Winokur are also represented in clay.

whitleycontinuumchairIn wood, another great conversation goes on between Wharton Esherick’s hickory “Steps with Elephant and Donkey Finials” (1935) right next to Robert Whitley’s birds eye maple “Continuum Chair” (1978) (right, “Continuum Chair”).

I felt lucky that I even looked up to see this work. It’s on the way in and out of the “Mavericks of Color” show (see post). I nearly missed it thanks to my single-minded, driven ways.
