
Mr. Anthony’s black flags

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Anthony Campuzano‘s art and community exhibit at the Galleries at Moore College is a great mix of the artist’s outpourings of word art and works made by children “Mr. Anthony” teaches in an afterschool program in South Philadelphia. The opening of the show brought together students and teacher, everyone getting their mike time to explain what they did and what they thought about it. In one corner there’s a great video animation Campuzano did with the kids. Apparently the teacher had the students draw pictures until they cried uncle and then he input them into a power point presentation and with some assistance from a computer-savvy friend speeded up the PPS so that it looks like a flash animation.

Moore’s hosting a panel discussion about community-based art this Thursday, Nov. 17 at 5:30 pm with, among other speakers, Blake Bradford now of the Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago (formerly of the FWM).

(image shows Campuzano talking about his one non-word piece in the show, a collage in black felt of all the flags of the world. The artist said he sprinkled stars here and there where he thought they were needed. The soft star map over the flat black earth is a complete wonder of concept, materials and design.)
